• Last Update 2024-09-13 12:03:00

NIA to approach Interpol to issue red notices against 2 Pakistani High Com officials posted in Sri Lanka


The National Investigation Agency (NIA) willapproach Interpol to issue Red Corner Notices against two Pakistani High Commission officials posted in Sri Lanka whose role has been established in multiple terror plots against India, Indian media reported. According to reports the  home ministry has learnt that the two officials — Amir Zubair Siddiqui who served as Counselor (Visa) and a Pakistani intelligence officer Vineeth, alias Rana — have since been recalled to Pakistan. The NIA has, however, received  concrete proof in the form of Vineeth's voice on tape directing a Sri Lankan spy Arun Selvarajan to do a recee of sensitive defence installations in India which will help in future terror attacks, the reports said. NIA has procured latest photographs of the two officials and their e-mail records. "At some stage, Pakistan will be confronted with this evidence," a home ministry official was quoted as saying in a report by the Economic Times. An NIA charge-sheet submitted on March 6, which has been accessed by the Econimic Times, cites a confession made by Selvarajan that he had the habit of recording the conversation in micro cassettes between his handlers and him, since he wanted to keep a proof of his conversations so that he can demand fund from his handlers.  

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