• Last Update 2024-09-04 18:15:00

Pakistan gifts two water purification plants for North Central province


The Pakistan government through its High Commission in Sri Lanka, gifted two water purification plants each with the capacity of 10,000 liters per day to support the initiative of Sri Lanka President Hon. Maithripala Sirisena to provide clean drinking water to the people of North Central Province to prevent chronic kidney disease.
Acting High Commissioner of Pakistan Dr. Sarfraz Ahmed Khan Sipra along with Member Parliament of the area, Mr. Ishaq Rahuman, former Minister, Tissa Karaliayadda and other dignitaries jointly inaugurated the water plants in Anuradhapura district.

The first plant was inaugurated at Neagama Muslim School. The water from the plant will be used by 700 school children and over 1000 families living in the vicinity. The second plant was inaugurated at Kandulugamuwa School. This plant will service the needs of drinking water for 1000 school children as well as over 300 families living in the area.
Addressing at the event, Acting High Commissioner, Dr. Sarfraz Sipra said that Pakistan always helped Sri Lanka whenever called upon. This is a humble gift from Pakistan to the people of Sri Lanka to fight the chronic kidney disease. He praised the Sri Lankan Navy to execute the plants within the stipulated time. He thanked the Presidential Secretariat to extend all support to complete the projects.
The dignitaries present on the occasion, thanked the people and Government of Pakistan for this great gesture, emphasizing that Pakistan is the true friend of Sri Lanka. People of areas expressed great pleasure and gratitude for the assistance which will continue to prevent them and their future generations from chronic kidney disease.
These projects would add to the tally of various socioeconomic projects from the Government and people of Pakistan for their Sri Lankan brethren in health, education and livelihood sectors.

Acting High Commissioner Dr. Sarfraz Sipra inaugurating the Water Purification Plant in Anuradhapura district Acting High Commissioner and other dignitaries inspecting the plant

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