• Last Update 2024-09-13 20:57:00

Pope arrives at Madhu


Update 3.00 pm- The Helicopter carrying the Holy Father, just landed at the newly constructed helipad at the Madhu church grounds.

Update : Mass at Galle Face Green concluded a short while ago.


Blessed Joseph Vaz declared a saint

Update : Pope Francis I, a short while ago declared Blessed Joseph Vaz, an Apostle of Sri Lanka, Saint of the Universal Church, at the Pontifical Festive High Mass to held at the Galle Face Espalande, a short while ago.


Pope Francis arrives at Galle Face

Pope Francis arrived at Galle Face green a short while ago to conduct a service, and the Mayor of Colombo will give the holy father the key to the city shortly.

Pope Francis is also to bless a disabled girl before climbing the stage.

Pope 2 pope 3 crowd at Galle Face 1

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