• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

Postal strike enters second day


The island-wide token strike launched by postal workers entered its second day today, once again bringing postal services throughout the country to a standstill. The 48-hour token strike is only due to end at midnight today (21). 

Hundreds of thousands of letters and parcels are already piled up at the Central Mail Exchange in Colombo due to the strike. Over 600 main post offices and some 3500 sub post offices around the country are not functioning as a result of the strike, trade unions say.  

Twenty-five trade unions attached to Sri Lanka Post have launched the strike over several key demands. The vast majority of the department's 20,000 employees are engaged in the strike, despite the department cancelling all leave for employees on the eve of the strike. 

Trade unions commenced a protest march from the Sri Lanka Post head office in Colombo this morning. They are marching on the Presidential Secretariat to hand over a petition containing their demands to officials there. 

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