• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

President’s Secretary’s name used to pressure officials


Information has been received regarding few persons, who are pressurizing officials to grant various facilities including loans quoting name of Secretary to the President, Dr. P.B. Jayasundara as well as names of few other senior officials in the government, a statement from the President Media Division said. 

Accordingly, a Chairperson of a State Bank has conveyed this information to Secretary to the President. Dr. P.B. Jayasundara says that during his entire career in the public service he has never entertained anyone or contacted any official in any bank or state institution to seek any personal assistance. The Secretary to the President also said that he wishes to remain committed to conduct the office he is holding at present on similar spirit as well.

‘ I request all State Bank and other State Institutions not to get influenced by such people and in fact request to consider such requests to be a disqualification to proceed any further’, he stated. Secretary to the President requests to refer such incidents to the Police.

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