• Last Update 2024-07-08 17:27:00

Ranjan remanded till January 29


Parlimentraian Ranjan Ramanayake who was produced before Gangodawila Magistrate Wasantha Kumara for allegedly influencing judges and was remanded till January 29.

The MP was arrested by the Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) following the AG’s direction on allegations for attempting to influence three judges.

Recordings of phone calls between Mr Ramanayake and two current judges and one former judge have already been circulated to the media.

Deputy Solicitor General Delipa Peiris appearing on behalf of the Attorney General told the Magistrate that actions by Ramanayaka had led to a situation where the judiciary is being looked down upon.

He said that evidence collected shows that he had spoken to judges, police officers and other officials in addition to a large number holding other positions.

He said that action will be taken against such persons irrespective of their position.

Attorney at Law Wasantha Ranasinghe appearing on behalf of Ramanayaka said none of the judges have complained to the police or to the judicial Services Commission that his client had influenced them. He said they always had the option of complaining to the JSC or the police.

He said though media reports claim that his client influenced one of the judges who heard the Duminda Silva case, there is no evidence that the Supreme Court  five judge bench which heard the appeal was influenced.  (M.G)

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