• Last Update 2024-09-02 14:49:00

SLFP's gang of 16 wants seats on the Opposition side


The 16 SLFP MPs who voted in favour of the no confidence motion against Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe last month handed over a letter to the Secretary General of Parliament requesting they be allocated seats on the opposition side of the House.

The letter signed by all 16 of the MPs requested that they be allocated the seats by May 8, when the House next meets.

In a press release issued soon after the letter was handed over the MPs said that the Group would sit in the Opposition and play the role of the opposition and work for the betterment of the SLFP.

A Parliament official said that Speaker Karu Jayasuirya will decide whether to recognize them as a separate group in the House or to allow them seats based on seniority on the opposition side.

The Speaker is on an overseas tour and is expected to return tonight.


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