• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Sri Lankan gem dealer faces huge loss after HK$6m robbery in Hong Kong


A Sri Lankan precious gems dealer is staring at financial ruin after his HK$6 million haul of uninsured precious sapphires and rubies was snatched in a daylight robbery in Tsim Sha Tsui on Sunday.

As the police investigate the theft, trader Mohamed Azan Mohideen Abdul Cader,44, pleaded for the safe return of the gems and urged local jewellery traders to watch out for anyone trying to sell the stolen goods.

“It will cripple our business completely. We have lost almost everything,” said Abdul Cader, who hails from the Sri Lankan town of Beruwela, a major hub for the gem trade.

Some 750 stones were stolen but among them were several high-value items, including: an 8.05 carat ruby worth US$200,000, a 32.91 carat padparadscha pink sapphire stone valued at US$60,000 and a 14.36 carat purple pink sapphire worth the same amount.

“I don’t have a big company. I invest in stones. My inventory is my business,” he said. “Insurance can be really costly as well. On a day-to-day basis it can be a costly expense.”

He added: “Right now, I am really upset that I’ve lost such a big amount of my stock. I’m still hopeful the police will be able to identify and locate the bag. But the thing is I am growing weary of it and it’s already been four days.

A Hong Kong police spokeswoman said: “Police received a report from a 44-year-old man on June 12 that he lost a briefcase containing about 750 pieces of gemstones worth about HK$5.8 million in a shopping mall on Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. The case has been classified as “theft” and is being investigated ... No arrests have been made so far.” (South China Morning Post)

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