• Last Update 2024-09-04 13:20:00

Sri Lankan refugee found dead while being detained in Papua New Guinea


A Sri Lankan refugee detained by Australia in Papua New Guinea has been found dead, the BBC reported. The Sri Lankan Tamil man, 32, died in a suspected suicide after receiving treatment for mental illness, refugee advocates said.

Australia controversially holds refugees and asylum seekers who arrive by boat in centres on PNG's Manus Island and the Pacific nation of Nauru.

Nine detainees have died since 2013 - including six at the Manus centre, which is due to close this month.
The latest death - the apparent suicide of a refugee - happened in Lorengau General Hospital early on Monday, Manus Island police commander David Yapu told the BBC.

In a brief statement, Australian authorities said they were "aware of the death" and directed questions to PNG.

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