• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

Update: Sri Pada College of Education students hit by virus


Over 200 students of the Kotagala, Sri Pada College of Education were hospitalized last evening and this morning after suffering from a viral flu. 

The students were admitted to the Kotagala Hospital and Dikoya Glegon Hospitals. Kotagala MOH Dr M. Ganesh said that students showed symptoms similar to that of pneumonia. He said the students' blood and urine samples have been sent to the Kandy Hospital for analysis. 

About 100 students still remain in hospital undergoing treatment while the rest have been discharged.

Issuing a statement this afternoon, the Education Ministry said some 200 of the college's 800 students had been struck down by the virus. It said that a team of officers led by the Medical Director of the Kotagala Pradeshiya Sabha had visited the school to assess the situation and had taken recommended the college administration to grant students holidays until February 4 to prevent the illness from spreading. However, administrative functions of the school would continue and the school has not been closed, the Ministry stressed. (CK)

Pix by G. Krishanthan

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