• Last Update 2024-09-11 19:18:00

UN SG welcomes HR Commissioner's report


The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon has  welcomed   the Report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka. In a statement, he said he hopes that its important recommendations will help support the efforts of the people and the Government of Sri Lanka to carve a durable path toward long-lasting peace and stability and respect for human rights, through a genuine and credible process of accountability and reconciliation that meets international standards. "The Secretary-General is also encouraged by the response of, and commitment expressed by, the Government of Sri Lanka and the opposition to consult widely with all stakeholders and take meaningful action to address these issues" he said. "Recognizing the courageous strides being made by the country, he urges the Government to continue building on this positive momentum and the international community to support Sri Lanka in this regard. In the process, the Secretary-General hopes that Sri Lanka’s efforts will ensure that it will fully secure a peaceful, prosperous future among the family of nations, " he said. Chandani Kirinde

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