• Last Update 2024-09-02 14:49:00

UNP MP sleeps on pedestrian crossing


A few weeks ago, it was UNP Deputy Minister and Kalutara district Parliamentarian Palitha Thevarapperuma who was protesting against the Police for their failure to act regarding an issue of violation of election laws.

Yesterday, it was the turn of Kandy District UNP MP Ananda Aluthgamage to sleep on a pedestrian crossing in front of the Nawalapitiya police station — this time demanding that the Officer-in-Charge of the station be transferred.The MP sleeping on a pillow on the pedestrian crossing was witnessed by those passing by.

Some of them questioned, as to why ruling party members have to stage protests of this nature to get a job done. Is it because the Police Commission no longer acts on the whims of MPs?
The OIC should have arrested the MP for obstructing traffic.

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