• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

US Ambassador calls on Puttalam Mayor


US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Alaina B Teplitz, met with Puttalam Mayor K.A. Baiz for a special meeting at the Puttalam Urban Council premises yesterday (18). 

During the discussion, the US Ambassador spoke of issues affecting the people of Puttalam and discussed ways to attract foreign investors to the area. 

Mayor Baiz briefed Ms Teplitz about the famous cashews that are grown in nearby Wanathavilluwa and also noted that lobster farming in relation to the fisheries industry was thriving in the area. He said both industries were ripe for investors. 

The Ambassador assured that she would look into the subject and also discussed the threats posed to Puttalam by natural disasters. 

Text and Pix by Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe

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