• Last Update 2025-01-04 21:45:00

Presidential task force for ’Clean Sri Lanka intiative


An eighteen member Presidential Task Force, including President's secretary was appointed today to implement the 'Clean Sri Lanka' initiative proposed by the government. 

According to the gazette Dr N. Kumanayake , Secretary to the President, Commanders of the Army, Navy and Air force, W.L.A. Saman Priyantha  Acting Inspector General of Police, Eng. Kumudu Lal De Silva  Chairman Urban Development Authority, I.S Jayaratne , Gihan De Silva , Sandya Salgado, Dr Gamini Batuwitage , Dr Anuradaha Gamage , Dilruk Wanasinghe , Deepal Sooriyaarchchi , Sisira Amrabandu , Krishantha Cooray , Jayantha Perera , Ruwan Weerasooriya , Dayan Karunanathe  were appointed to the Task Force.
     The objectives of appointing the Task Force is to launch a national operation targeting a social, environmental and ethical awakening in the country, as well as fulfilling a transformative initiative ensuring the wellbeing, harmony and progress of the people of this country.
The initiative was in line with the vision of “A Thriving Nation, A Beautiful Life and is required to be launched to strengthen the environmental, economic and social sustainability and the state machinery.

Full text of the gazette 

Establishment of a Presidential Task Force to plan and implement the “Clean Sri Lanka” Programme, by virtue of the powers vested in me by Article 33 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. 

WHEREAS, the people of Sri Lanka have become victims in the context of Sri Lanka lagging behind not only economically but also politically, socially, culturally and ethically, the people’s aspirations to take the country towards a new renaissance by changing the situation that they have experienced thus far has been clearly reflected in the recent election results;

WHEREAS, an approach to make behavioral changes in society can be achieved by role modelling, influencing, providing guidance, and strongly emphasizing the need for change, the government has recognized the need to implement a systematic programme to steer the society towards progress;

WHEREAS, the government believes that such changes make a decisive impact on the economic development of the country as well;

WHEREAS, the government recognizes that it is essential to launch a national operation targeting a social, environmental and ethical awakening in the country, as well as fulfilling a transformative initiative ensuring the wellbeing, harmony and progress of the people of this country in line with the vision of “A Thriving Nation, A Beautiful Life”;

WHEREAS, a transformative initiative is required to be launched to strengthen the environmental, economic and social sustainability and the state machinery, and the present government has been entrusted with an unavoidable responsibility to act accordingly;

AND WHEREAS, the necessity to establish a Presidential Task Force to implement the “Clean Sri Lanka Programme”, has been recognized at the Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on December 02, 2024;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, do hereby establish the Presidential Task Force to plan and implement the “Clean Sri Lanka” Programme and, reposing great trust and confidence in your prudence, ability and fidelity, appoint you the said :-

 D r. N. S. Kumanayake Secretary to the President Commander of the Army, Commander of the Navy, Commander of the Air Force, W.L.A. Saman Priyantha Acting Inspector General of Police, E ng. Kumudu Lal De Silva, Chairman, Urban Development Authority I. S. Jayaratna, Gihan De Silva, Madam Sandya SalgadoGamini Batuwitage,D r. Anuruddha Gamage ,Dilruk Wanasinghe ,Deepal Sooriyaarachchi,Sisira Amarabandu Krishantha Cooray ,Jayathu Perera ,Ruwan Weerasooriya ,Dayan Karunarathna

As the members of the said Presidential Task Force to execute below mentioned tasks subject to the provisions stipulated in the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and any other written laws.

The Said tasks namely;

i. Plan, guide, implement, review the progress, and complete the “Clean Sri Lanka” programme within a given time frame aiming to achieve the objectives of elevating society to a more advanced status through a social, environmental and ethical awakening;

ii. C reate an organisational structure to facilitate the implementation of this programme from the national level to rural level.

iii. Obtain the subject knowledge and contribution of scholars, professionals, experts and representatives of institutions relating to the subject areas covered by the “Clean Sri Lanka” Programme.

iv. Prepare a structure to engage stakeholders such as government and semi government sectors, private sector, research institutions, civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations, international organisations and development practitioners, consultancy and professional organisations, community and citizen organisations, mass media and communication institutions, financial institutions, religious organisations, technology providers and inventors, Sri Lankan diaspora in this programme.

v. Raise funds for the “Clean Sri Lanka” Fund and provide the necessary instructions and guidance to manage the “Clean Sri Lanka” Fund as required.

vi. Identify programmes implemented in concurrence with this programme by various stakeholders such as government institutions, private sector, international organisations and institutions, non-governmental organisations and align them with the “Clean Sri Lanka” Programme.

vii. I dentify and formulate legal provisions required to ensure the sustainability of the outcomes of this programmeand establish an institutional framework to which the responsibility for enforcing such laws and rules in the long term is conferred upon.

viii. Leverage digitalisation to plan, guide, implement, review the progress and sustainably continue this programme.

ix. Develop and implement a multi-mode communication strategy to positively influence and engage all stakeholders.

AND, I appoint Dr. N. S. Kumanayake, Secretary to the President, as the Chairman of the aforesaid PresidentialTask Force and G.M.R.D. Aponsu, Senior Additional Secretary to the President as the Convener/ Secretary of the said Task Force.

AND, I do hereby authorize you, members of the Presidential Task Force, to make inquiries and issue instructions as required for the purpose of executing the tasks so entrusted, and also to obtain the assistance of the public officers from whom such assistance is intended by the Presidential Task Force, subject to the provisions stipulated in the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and any other written laws.

FURTHERM ORE, I do hereby inform you, members of the said Presidential Task Force, to submit reports to me from time to time, in respect of the execution of the aforesaid tasks by you.

Given at Colombo under the Seal of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on the 18 day of December, Two Thousand and Twenty Four

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