• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

U-20 Rugby: Sri Lanka gearing up to clinch maiden Asian 7s Series title


The Sri Lanka Sevens Rugby is on cloud nine after a scintillating performance by set of youngsters donning the Under-20 national jersey. 

The youngsters went on to lift the first leg of the Asian Sevens Under-20 Championships at Johor in Malaysia last week. 

Thus they lifted the Sri Lanka Sevens Rugby to greater heights. 

The team led by former Peterite Kevin Dixon in their campaign in the Tournament started with a bang by knocking off Philippines 22-5 and Thailand 31-5. 

Then after a fierce battle, the lads lost to the Japanese 14-19 in a close encounter. 

Then with total determination and focus Sri Lankan youngsters came on top against United Arab Emirates 45-5 and Malaysia 29-14 in a superb fashion. 

And finally in the Cup final they smashed South Korea, the conquerors of Japan by 38-0. 

The path to success would not have been possible without the expert guidance of head coach Sudath Sampath.

Sampath, himself a wily exponent in Sevens Rugby has represented Sri Lanka in both versions of the game at the highest level. 

Speaking on the concluded tournament Sampath stated, "What can I point out is, 10 members of this present team represented Sri Lanka last year as well. This team showed maturity and there was a unique bond. These players have represented club rugby and also first four teams in the recent Mercantile Sevens as well. Hence their coaches have basically groomed them and I had little work to put on the finishing touches. I thank the coaches." 

"This was a experienced team put up by Sri Lanka. All what we did was to make their mind set to be very positive. The youngsters had already made their mind to clinch the cup. I appreciate the work of Imthi Marikkar, the teams High Performance Director and Rajiv Perera, the team Manager for their services," he added. 

"I cannot say we won the tournament due to certain players. But this was an all round display of team work. Reeza Refaideen ended as the highest try scorer in the tournament. The others Omalka, Kevin, Nishon and Buddima too scored tries. The same squad will be touring for the two leg as well." 

"Though we are thinking of changing one or two players with one week gap for the 2 leg it is not wise to change players at this stage. The ground conditions in Hong Kong are different to Malaysia. What they have is a synthetic ground.Considering this we are purchasing new boots for the whole squad. Finally I must thank our boys for our great show. Also have to thank our Rugby Union officials, Imthi and Rajiv for the support extended," Sampath went to say. 

The achievement of our youngsters was indeed great. 

A proud moment for our local rugby fraternity.

A similar achievement can be traced 32 years ago, when Sri Lanka National Sevens team winning the Bowl Championship of Hong Kong Sevens Tournament in year 1984. 

In Sri Lanka’s Rugby history of 137 years, we can proudly boast of the two achievements. 

The Sri Lankan youngsters now need to focus on the second leg of Asian Sevens kick starting on August 12 and 13 at Kings Park Stadium, Hong Kong. 

The Sri Lankans are in Pool A along with Malaysia, Chinese Taipei and Thailand. 

The Pool B consists of Korea, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates and Singapore.

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