CoronaNomics, a video series produced by Econ Films and hosted by Project Syndicate for the benefit of our member publications, features a broad range of economic experts and policymakers. We trust your readers will appreciate this presentation of the insights into and analyses of the world the COVID-19 crisis is creating.
You may publish this video on your publication’s digital platforms. For more information about additional video content or subtitles, contact us: commentary@project-syndicate.
Econ Films is a specialist agency and broadcaster, making videos and films about current affairs and politics, finance and business – and of course, economics.
Copyright: Econ Films/Project Syndicate, 2020.
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Yoshitha Rajapaksa has been arrested by the CID in Beliatta, the Police said.
Yoshitha Rajapaksa has been remanded until January 27.
Veteran singer Anil Bharathi passed away today.
The Anurdhapura Magistrate Court has granted permission to further investigate allegations of obstructing the duties of the Police, levelled against Member of Parliament Dr Archuna Ramanathan and report facts to courts on February 3.
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