Sports |
Bisthamin still
unconscious |
By Aubrey
Kuruppu |
The unfortunate accident to Kandy SC’s outstanding forward Imran Bisthamin has shocked and dismayed all lovers of the sport in Kandy and elsewhere.
Imran suffered head and spine injuries when he had a fall at a restaurant in Kandy town where he had gone out to dine with a few friends. At the moment Imran is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Kandy General Hospital and has not regained consciousness.

Doctors of the ICU and the Neurosurgical are looking after him very well. Sources close to Imran say it will be another week at least before the exact nature of the injury can be assessed.
An outstanding forward, Imran’s pet position was Number Eight. It is commonly acknowledged he was the best in that position. He also functioned as a flanker and a lock.
A former Antonian, Imran was a good medium pace bowler in his under 17 cricket days, but faced with a choice he threw in his lot with the oval ball game. The writer does not feel that he had cause to regret it.
Imran was in the news a few weeks back when he was surprisingly left out of the Sri Lankan squad at the last moment.
In hind sight had he gone on tour he may not have been at that place and at that time.
Sean Wijesinghe, his club captain who played alongside Imran in the third row speaks highly of the latter’s talent and technical expertise. Sean joins friends and all those concerned for his speedy recovery. |
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