To the ordinary person “at sea” means to be lost and bewildered. To a sailor there is nothing more sacred than to be at sea. It is the playing ground he is more familiar with. It was CR, number two ranked in the league, who were ‘at sea’ against the navy the previous week. This week it was the leaders Kandy who were ‘drowned at sea, when they took on the sailors.
In the last two weeks the rugby grounds at Welisara was virtually the sea to them. The Navy rugby team which was placed fifth at the end of the first round has suddenly become the wonder boys as they beat the two main contenders. First it was CR who lost by a margin of fifteen points and this time around it is Kandy who lost by one point. As CR lost it was thought that the cup was well settled in the hills. This week as Navy beat Kandy the league title race has opened; but slightly. I say slightly because the chance, if any, will come only if Kandy were to be beaten by Army, yesterday.
Action at the Navy vs Kandy game |
Despite the game being played at Welisara there was a sizable crowd present. The fans can be thrilled and expected to follow if they expect a game. The appetite for a thrill was satisfied to some extent. Rugby however did not reach a high standard. Kandy was never there as they seemed more at sea looking lost. While they came down from the pedestal that they were in Navy climbed a few feet up the mast. They are climbing seeking a cup at least in the future and asking to be seen and recognized. As Kandy dropped and Navy picked up the game produced some interesting moments for the spectator. The event that unfolded with the referee being injured provided ammunition for depraved minds to build more stories. Who said rugby is a man’s game? The stories that start with “do you know” must surely make women blush with envy. A conspiracy is what they see with the injury to the referee. They forget to give glory to the Navy which is not the spirit of rugby. Kandy has not lost a game for almost 60 matches. The victory of Navy brings forward another team that can challenge the first two. That is what will keep rugby interesting and alive and not potty conspiracy theories.
Navy understood what they were trying to achieve and played to get there. This is the same thing that they did the previous week. They kicked for space and kept the ball in Kandy territory. That is where they wanted them to be. Kandy too kicked and most kicked hoping it will fall somewhere helpful. This way the game is still alive though there are concerns that keep popping up as other stories disturb the trend.
We hear of the clubs finding difficult with funds drying up with the recession. The players who have had their share of monetary benefit expect to enjoy same. When they don’t the decision is to switch allegiance.
News is also of the usual problem that surfaces every year. This is where selectors come into conflict with the administrators. Which is followed by an issue of captaincy. If this does not happen is rugby complete? This time along it is to do with the under twenty pool that was finalized. I believe conflict takes place because of a lack of communication. It has nothing to do with anybody not knowing his job. It is to do with all cards not being laid on the table for all to see and then to work for a win.While we continue to squabble; information is that we may not have an invitation to the two satellite sevens in Asia. While this goes on our neighbor India will take their National team on a groundbreaking tour of South Africa as part of their preparation before the commonwealth games.
The Commonwealth games are to be held in Delhi and include a Rugby Sevens. India are coached by South Africans Norman Laker and and Hendre Marnitz. The name Norman Laker will be familiar to us as he handled the Sri Lanka National Team last year. The commonwealth games may not be the best place for India to shine as top ranking rugby teams are there. The story that should sink is that they are planning ahead while giving the team a chance to experience playing with those who have played the game for a long time. As Asian teams suffer with a lack of international matches India not among the first five nor the next four is taking on them to give the needed experience to go ahead. We at home keep bickering over non issues as others are ready to progress.
Vimal Perera is a former Rugby Referee, coach and Accredited Referees Evaluator IRB |