With local exams over and done with, the New Year brings difficult decisions for students and parents after O/Levels or for those whose A/Level results weren't as good as hoped for.
Not just because it's a decision that will affect the rest of their lives, but also because it's so complicated nowadays.

Peter Corker |
As parents we hope that our children will go on to bigger and better things but in a globalised economy, with countless new careers to choose from across the world, it's hard to know just where to start. It's easy to be overwhelmed and take the obvious choices.
The traditional and well-tried route of A/Levels followed by a 3-year degree programme is, after all, the route you know most about - it's been around a very long time, it's the 'Gold Standard' for university entrance. Surely A/Level is the way to go - even if it means re-taking them because first-time results weren't so good?
But being traditional does not necessarily mean it's most appropriate - especially when you think about the risks involved in taking or re-taking A/Levels.
Come examination day, the potential pitfalls are too numerous to list, but illness, tiredness, poor revision technique, ineffective time planning or unexpected questions all can play their part in students not getting the results everyone was hoping for.
And for those considering re-taking A/Level, the likelihood of improving grades by anything more than a very small margin is very low, making them more of a revolving door that takes you right back to where you started rather than any further forward.
But all need not be doom and gloom and choosing your son's or daughter's future educational path need not necessarily be such a complex and risk-ridden game of chance. Here in Sri Lanka there exists a modern, exciting and fully validated programme that offers an A/Level standard qualification in just one year, with a cast iron guarantee of a place in one of 11 top UK universities upon successful completion.
What is more, the option exists to complete year one of a top UK degree course, again with a guaranteed place in the UK on successful completion.
But, surprisingly perhaps, that is not the sole benefit of the programme in question. This route will also allow your child to graduate two years sooner than he or she would by the traditional route.
Well that is exactly what is offered by ANC-UK right here in Colombo - programmes that give cost-effective, fast-track access to guaranteed places in top UK universities.
For free advice, call today on 0777662255 or 077730073 - my Counsellors will be delighted to give you all the facts and arrange a time for you to call in and meet me in person.
Peter Corker
Admissions Director, ANC-UK Programmes
There's one more thing you should know. ANC-UK Programmes could also leave your son or daughter over 8 million rupees better off than a student who takes the traditional route! |