Mr Upali Jayasinghe getting the first membership at Fitness First , WTC branch from Nishantha Senevirathne at the opening ceremony. Mr Aruna Aluthge , Chief Executive of Fitness First is also in the picture. |
‘Fitness First’, opened their second branch at Low Block 07, World Trade Center (WTC), Colombo 01.
With fitness becoming a lucrative business these days, it is highly important for the clients to be watchful to pick the best spot that offers quality service for the money they spend.
‘Fitness First’ gym is such a place where one can get the service of qualified staff. The premises are fully equipped with the latest fitness equipments for both cardio and resistant training and each customer is under the watchful eye of the trainers.
Opening hours of the premises will be from 6 am to 9 pm from Monday to Saturday and the premises is geared to be a big boon to WTC tenants as well as to their corporate level customers. Apart from that ‘Fitness First’ is also offering corporate packages to companies.
Not only for the WTC but also for the outsiders too who can join them to achieve their health and fitness goals. Each new member will have to undergo a medical checkup and then only a routine will be recommend. During the process trainers will also closely monitor the progress of the customer and will make necessary changes in the routine. |