Anoma Fonseka |
The ICRC responding to a news item in the Sunday Times titled ‘ICRC acts on Anoma plea’ last week says that the ICRC spokesperson had never stated that the ICRC will intervene nor that the ICRC had responded to a request of Mrs. Fonseka.
The ICRC says that the quote attributed to their spokesperson ‘We have received the request from Mrs. Fonseka and there are developments regarding this’ was never made, because the ICRC does not divulge publicly the content of the discussions held with the families of detained relatives who contact the organization regularly, or with the authorities about their observations and recommendations.
Our response: The ICRC spokesperson certainly confirmed that they had received a request from Mrs. Fonseka and that there were ‘developments’ regarding the matter. In addition we have confirmation from Mrs. Fonseka that the ICRC has been in contact with the family.
“The ICRC is in contact with me every two to three days”, Mrs. Fonseka said yesterday. |