Having strengthened their position in the Primary and Secondary sectors, Gateway College, Rajagiriya, Kandy and Negombo have now embarked into the tertiary sector.
With this initiative, Gateway College brings a new dimension to the institution where they provide education from Play Group (2 ½ + years) to Degree level, with a new focus and theme - 'Foundation to Graduation'.
Gateway College, Bambalapitiya, the newest member of this premier International School network, has recorded considerable success at Primary level.
Suriya Bibile - Business Development Manager Edexcel, Vivek Govil - CEO Pearson India, Premila Paulraj Canitius - Edexcel Territory Manager Indian Subcontinent, Mr. S. Kodikara, Headmaster Gateway College, Mr. R. Lennon, Deputy Headmaster Gateway College and Dr. Harsha Alles - Director, Gateway Group at the launch of BTEC in Sport. |
Provision of learning of the highest global standards while retaining the culture of the land was the raison d'etre for the establishment of Gateway College in 1997. Gateway College stands out among the International Schools in Sri Lanka as it follows the English National Curriculum in its entirety from the Foundation level to Advanced Level for students of Sri Lanka and other nationalities.
With state-of-the-art facilities and a guarantee of not more than 25 students to a class, Gateway assures the best for every student. Gateway enjoys accredited teaching centre status from Edexcel - UK, Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and NCC Education - UK, enabling the school to conduct all examinations in-house.
While achieving excellence in academic as well as co-curricular fields, students have thus lived up to the expectations of the founders by developing into wholesome personalities.
At Gateway, the period from age 2 ½ to 5 is described as the Foundation Stage. It is a distinct stage and important both in its own right and in preparing children for later schooling.
Gateway's curriculum is carefully structured with provision at the Play Group for the different starting points and then to continuously build at Nursery and Kindergarten till they reach the early learning goals.
The curriculum at Foundation Stage is essentially a mixed one bringing in the best practises from Montessori, Pre-School methods etc. Various themes incorporated throughout the year make learning fun and exciting.
The widest choices at Advanced Level
There is no 'one-size-fits-all' education for all students. Gateway College is proud to offer the largest, most comprehensive selection of educational choices - so parents and students could choose the best education programme for academic growth and success.
Gateway offers the widest choice of options for those who sat the Sri Lankan OLs in December 2009 and those who would sit the London or Cambridge OL/IGCSE in May 2010.
These students can take:
- 4 GCE Advanced Level subjects
- 3 GCE Advanced Level subjects and International Diploma in IT
- 3 GCE Advanced Level subjects and International Diploma in Business
- The International Foundation Programme
The range of subjects offered at Advanced Level Science, Business and Humanities sectors include Mathematics, Further Maths, Pure Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Business Studies, Accounts, Applied ICT, English Language and Literature and Psychology.
They have been arranged in a way where even uncommon combinations of subjects could be taken to suit students' future careers. Gateway strongly encourages the students who wish to pursue demanding careers such as Medicine and Engineering to study four AL subjects.
Students also have the option of taking 3 Advanced Level subjects along with a Diploma and thereby fast track their Degree studies. Through this arrangement, they are also able to keep their options open until they complete the two years of study at Advanced Level where they could even opt for a different career to what they were planning at the commencement of their Advanced Level studies. Gateway Graduate School in partnership with NCC Education UK, offers a choice of two Diplomas. These Diplomas (International Diploma in Computer Studies - IDCS and International Diploma in Business - IDB) done over two years, is equivalent to the first year of a British Degree.
Gateway College, Colombo emerged champions in the International Schools' Over-15 Netball Championships 2010. |
The second year (leading to the Advanced Diploma) and the final year (leading to a Degree by the University of Wales, (UK) could be followed at the Gateway Graduate School. Therefore, taking this route, the student could obtain an internationally recognized British Degree, here in Sri Lanka, at a fraction of the cost of studying in UK. Students also have the option of transferring to universities in UK, USA or Australia following the completion of the Diploma.
The International Foundation Programme is available at the Gateway Graduate School for students who wish to join our Degree pathway after Sri Lankan or London GCE O'Levels. Having completed the Foundation Programme, students are able to join the first year of the Degree. The programme in addition to raising students' English level would also provide a firm grounding in Business and Computing along with other important skills.
Students taking all these options have access to a wide range of sports and co-curricular activities. Our newly established Career Counselling and Guidance Unit offer extensive support in securing university placements and academic scholarships.
The firm, friendly and fair environment that prevails within the school help Gateway students to receive the finest global education within our unique cultural heritage.
Gateway Colleges are located in Colombo at : No. 185, Koswatte Road, off Royal Gardens, Rajagiriya 011 - 2888288, Kandy: No. 80, Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Mawatha, Asgiriya, Kandy 081 - 2200300 and Negombo: No. 62, Negombo Road, Kurana. 031 - 2227722.
Details of the Gateway Graduate School could be obtained from the Registrar by writing to: ggs@gatewayworldwide.com or by calling 2888858 or 2877277. |