1. TOPCIMA PC Based Classes
The TOPCIMA PC based exam pass rates are very low in Sri Lanka. This is due to the lack of proper tuition for the TOPCIMA PC based examination in Sri Lanka.
What will be the future developments? |
Mr Gajendra created history in the November 2009 session. He has created the greatest achievement for Sri Lanka in TOPCIMA. This justifies the Quality of Sri Lankan lecturing and students in the global business environment.
The Sri Lankan students are privileged to study under the Best lecturer in the world. All the Sri Lankans should be proud of the achievements of Mr. Gajendra.
The Future Pass Rates of Sri Lankan students wil increase and Sri Lanka will receive more recognition in the world through the contribution of Mr. Gajendra. |
The Key Stakeholders of CIMA has urged Mr.Gajendra to conduct classes for the TOPCIMA PC Based Exam to overcome this unfortunate situation and improve the capability of local students to ensure a clear pass.
Mr.Gajendra after a scientific study and research work agreed to develop a comprehensive programme to help the Sri Lankan students to pass this exam comfortably.
The Programme includes development of Information Technology skills of each individual student through a personalised plan which will enable the student to become effective in the exam specially in presenting the report by managing time professionally.
Mr Gajendra is the best lecturer in the world for TOPCIMA. Therefore Sri Lankan students will benefit immensely through the coaching of Mr.Gajendra since this will guarantee exam success.
2. Total Solution for
Operational & Management Levels
The students are unfortunate most of the time in enrolling for classes at Operational & Management Levels of the CIMA exam since they cannot attend the classes of the
Best lecturers. This is due to the problems of time tables which often clash with the lecture schedule of the best lecturers.
Virtual business school after an extensive research carried out through the industry and based on the feedback obtained from the students developed a total solution for Operational & Management Levels of CIMA by integrating the best lecturers at one institute.
This will be a great relief for the students since they need not worry about any time table problems in the future since they can attend the classes under the best lecturers at one place.
3. Strategic Level
Common Case Study
The 3 subjects at Strategic Level should follow the same strategy in the new syllabus to ensure exam success. Analysis of the Pre- seen should be carried out through a common approach.
Mr. Gajendra created history in the new Syllabus by being the only lecturer in the world to teach the common Case Study at the Strategic Level by integrating all the three subjects based on a common platform.
The Integrated Pre seen Analysis developed by Mr. Gajendra benefited students immensely since this provided a total solution for the Case study which will guarantee exam success for the students.
The success of this coaching will be clearly highlighted in the Sri Lankan Pass rates for the May 2010 examination.
Why you should study CIMA with Gajendra @ Virtual
- The 1st Sri Lankan to receive the CIMA Tutor of the Year award
- First Sri Lankan Lecturer to Produce a World Prize in TOPCIMA
- Only Sri LankanLecturer to teach the Entire Strategic Level
- Only Sri Lankan Lecturer to Cover the Entire Enterprise Management Pillar full time and Part time
- Only Sri Lankan Lecturer to Conduct 3 Mock exams and to Mark every Paper
- Only Sri Lankan Lecturer to Cover Strategic Level Common Case Study with a common Approach
- Only Sri Lankan Lecturer to Cover Strategic Level full time and part time
- Only lecturer recognised by CIMA as the achiever of 80 % Pass rate
(Source cimaglobal. com)