Nearly 250 Transfer Student and Graduates were lauded by heads of US, UK and Australian Universities and Colleges at the ANC Awards Night and Graduation Ceremony held on July 19 2011 at the Colombo Hilton, to felicitate graduates and transfer students who have excelled in their courses of study conducted by 16 Strategic Partner Universities under the Umbrella of ANC Education.
Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean Chairman MAS Holdings |

Dr.Karunanayake (CEO ANC Education) |
At the annual ANC Education Awards Night, graduates and high achievers from multiple universities from the USA, Canada, UK and Malaysia sat spellbound as Chairman of MAS Holdings Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean regaled the simple story of entrepreneurship, vision and a will to win that has taken the group to the extraordinary heights it has today. Beginning his address with a moving video that took the young people on the MAS journey, Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean told them this is the best time to be graduating in Sri Lanka. "When we began this journey 25 years ago, the country was in a turmoil and doing business in Sri Lanka was challenging. But Sri Lanka has put all those tales of woe behind and is now at a turning point where only opportunities await. We need your knowledge, talents and skills to ensure that the nation travels on the path to achieving its goals and looking at the amazing young people in front of me, I know that we are producing some of the best," he said commending ANC Education on establishing itself in league of the best higher education facilities in Sri Lanka.
"Education is relevant and important to add value to the needs of students and corporate sector and these graduates, are in that league of individuals who will be snapped up by the expanding corporate sector who need young people that think beyond boundaries and have more than textbook knowledge."
Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean shared the five tenets of his success with the nearly 250 students, graduates and some of who were transferring to universities in the US, UK, Canada and Malaysia, as well as High Achievers who had maintained high average scores throughout the year. Having begun the business only with a dream and the will to show the world that 'Sri Lanka Can', MAS has firmly positioned itself among the best in its capabilities, including being the single largest supplier of intimate apparel to Victoria's Secret and second largest supplier to NIKE worldwide. "Establish strategic long lasting relationships, build a team of professionals, invest in talent and technology and set yourself a foundation of strong values, where trust, mutual respect and a culture that promotes strong business ethics are all part of your DNA."
He also affirmed by attracting and retaining young professionals into MAS, "the best that Sri Lanka has, we are showing the world that this little country can be the best in the world and in the process, the company has helped these young people to achieve their professional ambitions and personal goals. The environment we create to excel, where there is passion in the work they produce, the permeating energy and dynamism that's pervasive have all added to our success." But he cautioned that success is not about one person driving a goal, but about an entire team working towards a vision aided ably by the best innovation, R&D and technology.
"But through it all, there are a few things you need to remember. Keep your feet on the ground at all times because it s important that as we live, we learn from each other, no matter at what level in your organization they are. Understand what you know and learn what you don't. Respect the people you work with. Create an environment of honesty, trust and integrity because people want to do business with businesses they can trust. Do the right thing always.
You will come across situations where you will be uncomfortable and you will have to make a choice. As long as you make the right choice and do the right thing, you will be alright. Make your contribution or better still, build a winning team. For you to be able to evolve and grow, develop the competencies you require to do just that. But most of all have a desire to be the best but have the hunger to achieve it. Commit yourself to whatever it takes to make it happen. Passion and hunger are a powerful combination for success."
Agreeing strongly with Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean was Chairman of ANC Education Jagath Alwis who claimed the importance of young people remaining up to date with the opportunities that are continually arising.
"Sri Lanka's Key Performance Indicators have been met in the last year, and this year it's well on its way exceeding the forecasted targets. Look at the Asian region; it's poised to become the next global giant undoubtedly and you are sitting right here, at the heart of this burgeoning region. You are graduating at the best time to contribute to national and regional development and also, this is the time when you personally have opportunities to exploit. What we at ANC do is to prepare you for these opportunities but beyond that, you must use those skills to achieve your goals and vision." Very appreciative of the Deans, Departmental Heads and Representative Heads of Patten University, Monash College Malaysia, Missouri University of Science & Technology (MS&T), NCUK and Monash College Malaysia who were present at the ceremony, Alwis called on the graduates, transferring students and high achievers to take absolute advantage of the global education that ANC Education gives them and to look beyond the obvious in order to achieve success. "When you go out there, you are not just ANC's young ambassadors but ambassadors for your country. Go on - make our nation proud of you!"
Dr Punarjeeva Karunanayake, Executive Director/CEO urged the young people to remain in focus and not get distracted. "While there are opportunities, there are distractions too. It is vital that you remain in focus and build on your competencies, while nurturing your knowledge. The world demands increasing levels of knowledge and simply book studying will not take you places. Every day is a learning experience and that's what we teach you at ANC - look beyond your academics to the real world. Grasp what you can learn and strengthen the talents you have. You are the future of this country and this region and given that we are now on the cusp of contributing significantly to the growth of this region, you must become the drivers of that journey."
Similar sentiments were echoed by Professor Ferdinand Akthar Gul, Discipline Head - Business Accounting & Finance of Monash College Malaysia. "Emerging markets have shown unprecedented growth but the two largest economies in these markets, India and China have both displayed that economic growth is not equivalent to economic development. There are large pockets of poverty, malnourishment and under-development in both these countries and what we must strive towards is bridging that gap in all our countries. To me, education is the key and it is education that will fuel economic growth and therefore economic development, where we will see an educated workforce, strong and vibrant capital markets, sound financial services and backing services, which are the growth areas in this new emerging era."
Vice Provost Gobal Learning, MS&T Dr Henry Wiebe surmised that while opportunities abound, these also come with challenges and problems. "But embrace these challenges and problems, don't let them embrace you. Reach out to them and make them a part of your forward journey. Like it's been said before, this is a great time for you to be getting out into the real world because although the world seems to be in turmoil, remember, that wherever there is turmoil, opportunities are ripe. Jump in, embrace challenges and take on those opportunities. You have been well prepared with the education you are now equipped with."
Both Dr Shea Gregory Chair - Department of Liberal Arts of Patten University and Dr Donard De Cogen, Academic Manager NCUK requested the graduates to empower themselves further because the world demands it. "Whenever you come across any challenge and you feel you can't face it, just think of this moment. You encountered numerous challenges, went against the odds, did the impossible and graduated. Now, you can do anything. Arm yourself with this thought because education is something you yourself have earned and obtained. No one can take that from you," stated Gregory, while De Cogen mentioned that NCUK students in Sri Lanka have shown extraordinary results, "25 engineers who have excelled, all with A+, A and Bs and all I can say is, these are among the best in the world. If you want to be remembered, go against convention although that can be difficult. Arm yourself with ambition, cultivate a 'Can do, Will do' mindset, make the future a journey of learning and make not only yourself, your famiy and us proud, but your nation too. Your country wants you to be a success."
Awarding the Patricia Nigel award, which is annually presented by Northwood University to the best all round student, Director Admissions Asia, Africa and Middle East of Northwood University Daniel Kelch who presented the award to Rohendra Wijesekere mentioned that the reason ANC produces young people who are global citizens is because the mode of teaching goes beyond academics. "Our methodology is about making students aware about the world out there and preparing them to strengthen their knowledge and skills to exploit the opportunities that not only exist but will emerge as the world evolves. This is what true higher education is about.
The world is now looking for young people who think beyond the box and are able to think on their feet; they don't want theoreticians; they want practical people who will intelligently solve problems' they want value addition and not work done by rote; they want people who will contribute positively to society and are not simply financially driven, but driven by an inner feeling of wanting to make a difference. These are the ANC graduates we have and like to see because ultimately, it is you who will be the driving forces of economic and social development." |