I entered NIBM straight from school after the AL results with mixed feelings and a certain amount of fright. This was because the environment was quite different from the familiar school environment to which I was used to.
Kala Welihinda Bsc In Business Management first class honors |
With time I settled down and looking back I think I have had the opportunity of spending about four years that were most useful and academically fulfilling.
I think NIBM shaped my thinking; fine tuned my professional skills as well as provided me with the basic knowledge in my chosen field of management and above all instilled confidence in me.
To me the environment at NIBM was most conducive for academic achievements with a most helpful academic and administrative staff.
The opportunities arranged by the NIBM administration for students to listen to and interact with several top management professionals of the country encouraged me to be a high achiever.
I am so grateful to the NIBM for transforming me from the raw school leaver status to the individual I am today, armed with a recognized degree and brimming with confidence to take up any challenge.
Thank you NIBM. I am ever so grateful. |