• Last Update 2024-07-20 09:30:00

Colombo stocks stretch gains


The Colombo stocks stretched gains for the second straight day on Thursday despite the overseas investors continuing to stand on the selling side, analysts said.

The All share index closed at 7,273.14, up by 33.04 index points or 0.46 per cent while S&P SL20 index touched 4,000 mark but closed lower at 3,991.16, up by 22.59 index points (up by 0.57per cent).

The Daily market turnover lifted to Rs. 1.4 billion by hefty crossings which accounted for 63 per cent of the total turnover. John Keells Holdings emerged as the top contributor to the turnover with Rs. 528 million supported by several off-the-floor dealings of 2.6 million shares at Rs. 176.20-177.40.

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