• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

Kishani sings with friends from the Royal Opera House


Heralding the new year with music and camaraderie, Kishani Jayasinghe will be sharing the stage with two international artists -Grammy award-winning pianist and accompanist Christopher Glynn and Australian baritone Grant Doyle - in “Kishani Sings …With Friends From The Royal Opera House”.


A celebrated Sri Lankan opera singer Kishani was the first Sri Lankan to perform as a soloist at the RoyalOpera House in Covent Garden. She was also the first South Asian soprano to perform at Buckingham Palace, for the British Royal family and at the Commonwealth Heads of  Government Meeting in Malta among her numerous other achievements.

The programme will include popular operatic pieces and timeless Broadway numbers.

“Kishani Sings …With Friends From The Royal Opera House” will be held on January 8 at the Lionel Wendt at 7.30 pm. Tickets are priced at Rs. 7500,5000,3750,3000,2500 (balcony). For advance bookings contact 0718867071.

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