• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

University of Kelaniya's English Literary Festival (KELF 2017), remembering the life of Prof. Manique Gunasekera


A celebration of the life of Professor Manique Gunesekera has been organised by the Department of English, University of Kelaniya.

KELF '17, which will be held on  December 4,  2017 is a celebration held in memory of the life and work of Professor Manique Gunesekera, the chair professor of English at the University of Kelaniya who passed away two years ago. 

In the morning session, members of Professor Manique’s family will join the department to launch Blink, the journal of creative writing of the English Department students.  First published in 1982,  now one of the longest running literary journals in Sri Lanka, a statement from the organisers said.

This year for the first time, Blink is published online, It will also, for the first time, include submissions from the students of Jaffna University,  the final outcome of a collaborative academic and performance project of the two universities that took place in 2016.  The launch will include readings and performances of poetry and short stories published in the current volume. 

KELF will also feature two contemporary Sri Lankan writers Sunila Galappatti and Ashok Ferrey in two sessions. Sunila and Ashok will read from and talk about their recent books A Long Watch and The Ceaseless Chatter of Demons, providing participants a wonderful opportunity to meet and interact with these two outstanding writers. 

 In the afternoon, three short films selected by award-winning filmmaker Anoma Rajakaruna will be screened, followed by a discussion also conducted by Rajakaruna.   
Parallel to these sessions, and through the lunch break, there will be small group activities such as literature circles conducted by the American Centre,  “kuppi classes” for students of  A/L literature, and a scrabble corner.  There will be food and drinks for sale in the premises.
KELF ’17 will be at the Professor Kotahene Sri Pragnakeerthi Nayake Thero Memorial Hall (K14) and its environs from 9am till 4.30pm. The Department of English, University of Kelaniya invites all literary enthusiasts to be a part of this exciting event.  

For more information on how you can participate email kelf2017.uok@gmail.com

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