• Last Update 2024-07-07 13:46:00

’’Dognapper’’ fined and gets suspended jail term


The Gangodawila Magistrate Courts had imposed a fine of Rs 100,000 for a house maid who had stolen a pet dog, Police said.

The Former Crime Officer In charge of Mirihana Police, IP Amila Govinna told timesonline that the incident had taken place on April 12, 2023 where a resident of Wijerama area lodged a complaint to Mirihana police that her pet dog "Hunny" had gone missing.

The Police carried out investigations and checked the CCTV footage recorded at the residence.

“The footage showed the dog was roaming in the garden and entering the house around 7.45 pm on April 12, but was not seen afterwards. However one of the maids staying at the house had also left the house around 8.30 pm during the same day, taking leave to celebrate Sinhala Tamil New Year at her home town at Badulla,” he said.

He said that they were suspicious of the maid as she had carried a bag and it had been recorded on the CCTV footage. The owner of the dog also confirmed that this was one of the two maids (sisters) who were staying at their house.

The Former OIC Govinna added that they learned that the suspicious maid had come to Pettah Bus Stand and got on to a Badulla Bound Private bus, and was  also able to get confirmation that the maid had carried a small dog with her.

IP Govninna added though initially the suspect denied that she stole the dog, but after strict interrogation admitted of the theft of a Shih Tzu dog which was worth over Rs 125,000. Later she also said that the dog had died of grief refusing to eat as it was taken away from its owner.

He added a case was filed under the Penal code, for a theft of a pet dog. He  explained that both police and the lawyers representing the complainant led evidence and explaining of the animal cruelty the dog underwent as well as mental torment that the owner of the dog suffered.

The owner of the dog who lodged the complaint said that her dog Hunny did not turn up to her once she returned home on April 12, 2023 at 8.30 pm. She added that she thoroughly searched each room of her house and even went through the CCTV footage.

Thereafter she lodged a complaint to the police on April 14, 2023.

She explained that the maid who stole the dog had been staying at her residence for three years with her elder sister as one of them was working for her while the other was working at a close relative of the dog’s owner.

She added that the younger maid who stole the dog had placed the dog in a bag and covered it with another bag to avoid detection. She said that the bag containing the dog was also not carried by her as she was aware of the CCTV cameras. Therefore the maid has also asked the maid who comes to her place daily to carry the bag out of the house.  

“The maid had used a three-wheeler to reach Pettah, meanwhile a private bus driver who had witnessed the maid get into a Badulla bound bus with a small dog after getting down from a three-wheeler had also agreed to give evidence in courts.   

She added after the police investigations revealed that the dog had died and was buried by the suspect. They exhumed the remains of the dog on April 17 and re buried it.

After hearing the case the magistrate had ordered the maid to pay Rs 100,000 fine, and imposed a six month jail term suspended for five years.

By: Kasun Warakapitiya

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