• Last Update 2025-03-14 18:21:00

Trains between Colombo and KKS to travel at 100 KM/h


The Minister of Transport and Highways, Bandula Gunawardena expects trains between Colombo and Kankesanthurai to travel at a speed of 100 km/h. after track renovations are completed.

The Minister told the weekly Cabinet briefing,  that the work related to the Anuradhapura-Omanthai track is ongoing, by an Indian company. 

After the completion, which would be the beginning of next year, the Minister expects trains to travel at 100 km/h, providing a "faster train service for the North". 

Commenting on the recent frequent train derailments, "the rails which should be replaced every five years if near the coastline or every 20 years, in other areas,  but the rail tracks have not been replaced in 50 years, since there are no funds", he said. 

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