• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

Ambassador – designate to Myanmar assumes duties


The newly appointed Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the  Republic of the Union of Myanmar E.M.M. Nandimithra Ekanayake  assumed duties at the Mission on July 20, Foreign Affairs Ministry said. Buddhist monks invoked blessings on the new Ambassador-designate and an almsgiving was held at the official residence of the Ambassador to mark the occasion.

Addressing the staff of the Embassy upon assumption of duties, Ambassador Ekanayake spoke on the centuries - old ties between Sri Lanka and Myanmar and stated that the relationship should be further enhanced in the future.

Previously, Ambassador Ekanayake had held several high level positions in the Government.  He had served as the Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government, Minister of Forestry and Environment, State Minister of Cultural Affairs, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Deputy Minister of Transportation, Roads, Environment and Women's Affairs,  and a Member of Parliament. He also served as the Chief Minister of the Central Provincial Council in 1999.

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