• Last Update 2024-07-18 16:55:00

BASL express concerns over the arrest of an Attorney-at Law over Easter Sunday attacks


The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) expressed concerns over the arrest of Attorney-at-Law Hejaz Hisbullah who was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) last night over the ongoing Easter Sunday attacks investigation, a statement from the body said.

Writing to the Inspector General of Police, Chairman of BASL Kalinga Indatissa, PC said that according to the information BASL has received, the reasons for his arrest has not been made known up to now. "We have been informed that the arrest is based on certain functions attended by Mr Hisbulllah in his professional capacity as a member of the Bar,"

BASL also urged the Police Chief to direct the investigation officer to ensure that the professional rights of Mr Hisbullah is given due consideration and BASL is informed of the reasons and the basis of the arrest.

Meanwhile the family of Mr. Hizbullah said in a statement that Mr Hisbullah is of the firm view that his arrest is illegal and arbitrary and has been done for collateral purposes, with the intention of stifling dissent.  “To our knowledge a thorough search was done of his premises and belongings and there has been no material found to incriminate him in any manner. Mr. Hizbullah intends to fully co-operate with the investigators and believes that he will be able to clarify matters in respect of which his explanation is sought.”

“Mr. Hizbullah has over the years undertaken professional work on behalf of a wide range of clients including the challenge to the dissolution of Parliament, the Golden Key cases as well as other cases relating to fundamental rights violations. In the course of his professional work and as a citizen he has on numerous occasions challenged and called into question decisions of people in political authority,”the statement from the family said.


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