• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

Bond report: MPs to get redacted portions after Presidential Secretary returns


The redacted portions of the Commission of Inquiry report into the Central Bank bond scam will remain in the custody of Parliament Secretary General Dhammika Dassanayake.

This is until the return of Presidential Secretary Austin Fernando who is now in Vienna on an official assignment. Thereafter, he is expected to provide Speaker Karu Jayasuriya with all other related documentation connected with the report.

It is only then that Speaker Jayasuriya will make available copies to members of Parliament. It will either be in printed form or in a compact disk. The Speaker told Parliament on Thursday that the Commission report did not contain any list which said that 118 MPs had received funds from companies associated with Arjun Aloysius, now in custody in connection with the bond scam. He was confirming our report that appeared in these columns last week. These names are surfacing as the CID detectives unravel the names of those who received payments.
On Thursday, Speaker Jayasuriya gave some advice to MPs who offered to give him affidavits that they did not receive any monies from Mr Aloysius through his companies. “I don’t need affidavits. Act according to your conscience,” he told them.

Read Cafe Spectator

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