• Last Update 2024-09-03 16:45:00

Budget - 2018 passed with 151 voting for and 58 against


Parliament short-while  ago  approved the budget - 2018 with 151  voting for and 58 against the motion. 

Mass Media and Finance Minister Mangala samaraweera   presented the budget proposals for the financial year 2018 last Thursday (09). The proposals were debated for six days since then daily except Sunday from 9.30 am to 7.30 pm.

Starting tomorrow, the budget proposals would go through the committee stages for its third reading debate. It is scheduled to continue till Dec 09. The final vote on the budget is scheduled for 5 pm on Dec 09.

When the third reading commences tomorrow the expenditure heads coming under the President, the Prime Minister, judges of supreme court, office of the cabinet of ministers, Public Service Commission, Judicial Service Commission, National Police Commission, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Commission to Investigate Allegation of Bribery or Corruption, Office of the Finance Commisison, National Education Commission, Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, Parliament, Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Offices of the Chief Government and Opposition Whips, Leader of the House of Parliament, Elections Commission, Auditor General’s Department, Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration, Audit Service Commission, National Procurement Commission, Delimitation Commission, Right to Information Commission and Department of Management Audit are scheduled for taken up for debate.


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