• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Commandos foil timber racket at Madhu Forest Reserve


A group of commandos attached to Army's 62nd Division have been able to foil a large scale timber racket inside the Madhu Forest Reserve. 

The Commandos had been on foot patrol inside the forest reserve when they came upon a group of individuals who were in the process of loading a tractor trailer with Burutha wood that had been cut from trees illegally felled inside the reserve. The suspects had fled the scene upon seeing the commandos approaching the location. 

The commandos took 17 large pieces of Burutha wood into their custody along with a tractor and a trailer that had been at the location. The items were later handed over to officers from the Forest Conservation Department's Mannar office for further investigations. 

Story and Pix by Romesh Madhusanka

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