• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Committee to look into resettlment of Sinhala and Muslim families in North


Cabinet has decided to appoint a ministerial committee chaired by the President and including the Prime Minister and other relevant ministers to look into the resettlment of Sinhalese and Muslims who had to flee the North of the country due to the war. 

According to the Government, it is estimated that 5543 houses are required to resettle Sinhala families and 16,120 houses are required to resettle Muslim families and infrastructure of relevant villages should be improved.  

Cabinet decided to appoint the committee considering a joint proposal made by Ministers Rishad Bathiudeen, D.M. Swaminathan and Faizer Mustafa on following a suitable method for coordination, implementation and monitoring of resettlement activities of these displaced families. 

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