• Last Update 2024-09-11 15:45:00

Complaint to be filed at HRC on behalf of 'Kondaya'


The Activists for Human Rights said that it will file a complaint at the Human Rights Commission on behalf of Dunesh Priyashantha alias 'Kondaya' who was arrested by the police over the murder of a five-year-old girl in Kotadeniyawa, local media reported. Spokesman of the organization Attorney-at-Law Udul Premaratne was quoted by media as saying that he discussed the matter with 'Kondaya' at a Negombo Prison. Accordingly, 'Kondaya' has informed Premaratne that the was assaulted by police who later took his signature to a document. Police had told media that 'Kondaya' revealed vital information on the crime on how it was done. Police had earlier arrested two other individuals including a 17-year-old schoolboy over the incident. They have also lodged complaints at the HRC over their wrongful arrests.  

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