• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Crew members of hijacked ship are Sri Lankan - Govt. confirms


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the eight member crew of the fuel freighter alleged to have been hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia are all Sri Lankans. 

Issuing a statement, the Ministry states that it was still taking steps to verify the alleged incident, and initial inquires have revealed that while the vessel involved "is not registered under a Sri Lankan flag, it has an 8 member Sri Lankan crew."

The vessel, named 'Aris 13' had been en route from Djibouti to the Somali capital, Mogadishu. International media reports state that it has now been diverted towards the port of Alula. 

This is also reported to be the first successful hijack of a commerical ship by Somali pirates since 2012. Piracy in the region had reduced considerably due to extensive anti-piracy efforts by the international community. 

Following is the full statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the incident: 

The Ministry is aware of media reports regarding the alleged hijacking of a reportedly “Sri Lankan-flagged fuel freighter” by pirates. 

The Ministry is taking action to verify the alleged incident, and initial enquiries have revealed that while the vessel involved is not registered under a Sri Lankan flag, it has a 8 member Sri Lankan crew.

The Ministry continues to remain in touch with the shipping agents, concerned authorities, as well as relevant Sri Lanka Missions overseas to ascertain further information on the matter in order to ensure the safety and welfare of the Sri Lankan crew.

Therefore, as and when confirmed information regarding the alleged incident becomes available, the Ministry will share information in a manner that would not be prejudicial to the safety of the crew.


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