• Last Update 2024-09-02 10:49:00

DMC warns of rising water levels


Disaster Management Centre (DMC) today warned the people living along the downstream of the Gin Ganga, Attanagalu Oya and Kalu Ganga to be cautious as the water levels of the rivers reached the spill level due to the heavy rainfall experienced in the catchment areas.

Quoting the Irrigation Department’s latest report issued at 3.30pm, DMC warned the public to pay special attention over the water levels of the mentioned rivers as the Meteorology Department expected more rains in the coming hours. According to Irrigation Department, water level of the Gin Ganga at the Thawalama water indicator had exceeded minor flood level.

It said people living in Baddegama, Bope, Poddala, Weliwetiya, Divithura, Nagoda, Niyagoda, Thawalama and Neluwa to be cautious of sudden flood situation. It also said vehicular movement could be affected in Udugama-Akuressa Road, Elpitiya-Thawalama Road, Pitigala-Thawalama Road and Unanvitiya -Mapalagama Road if the rains continued.

Meanwhile, the department said water level of the Attanagalu Oya was reaching caution level at the Dunamale water indicator and warned the people living in Negombo, Ja-Ela, Minuwangoda and Gampaha to be vigilant of minor flood situation. It said, the vehicular movement could be affected on the Gampaha- Ja-Ela Road and the Gampaha- Minuwangoda Road as a result. Accordingly, Kalu Ganga and its tributary Kuda Oya were reaching the caution level at the Ellagawa and Millakanda.

The Irrigation Department requested the people living in the Madurawala, Horana, Bulathsinhala, Ingiriya and Palinda Nuwara Divisional Secretariats to be cautious of the rising water levels.DMC Deputy Director Pradeep Kodippili said four spill gates of Deduru Oya and one spill gate of Udawalawa and Kukuleganga had been opened due to the heavy rains received at the reservoirs. Meanwhile, two spill gates of the Laxapana Reservoir have also opened a short while ago

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