• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

EC presents book on 70 years of Parliament electoral history


Election Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya presented the book 'Sri Lanka Parliamentary Elections 1947 to 2015' Speaker of Parliament  Karu Jayasuriya at the Parliamentary complext yesterday. The book contains important information related to elections as well as approximately 70 years of parliamentary election results. 

Speaking about the forthcoming General Election, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya requested the Election Commission to expedite the process of bringing in foreign observers to monitor the election campaign. Furthermore, the Speaker stated that the European Union along with the relevant parties should be made aware of it in advance. He also urged the Election Commission to take necessary steps to ensure the independence and fairness of the media for a free and fair election, Parliament's Communication Department stated. 

Chairman of the Commission Mahinda Deshapriya, expressing his gratitude stated that he appreciates the support extended by the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker and the Secretary General of Parliament and his staff in carrying out the tasks of the Election Commission.

Deputy Speaker Ananda Kumarasiri, Chief of Staff and Deputy Secretary General of Parliament Neil Iddawala Elections Commission were among those present for the occasion.

Pix courtesy Parliament Department of Communication 

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