• Last Update 2024-07-20 09:30:00

Former JMO's anticipatory bail application: Notice issued on CID


The Colombo Additional Magistrate today issued notice to the OIC of the Criminal Investigation Department's (CID) Homicide Unit to respond on August 30 to an anticipatory bail application filed by former Colombo Chief Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) Prof. Ananda Samarasekara. 

The anticipatory bail application was filed in expectation of being named or accused in the case of missing remains belonging to late rugby player Wasim Thajudeen. 

Prof. Samarasekara's lawyers say the CID has asked their client to come to the CID to give a statement regarding the missing remains of Wasim Thajudeen, though he had already given a statement on the matter. As such, steps have been taken to file an anticipatory bail application as it is unclear why the former JMO had been asked to come to the CID again over the same issue. 

Earlier, Prof. Samarasekara also filed a Fundamental Rights petition at the Supreme Court seeking an order preventing his arrest by the police over missing remains belonging to Wasim Thajudeen. 


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