• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

FUTA urge UGC to reconsider its decision to reopen Universities in May


The Federation of University Teachers' Associations (FUTA) urged the University Grants Commission (UGC) to reconsider its decision to reopen the universities in May as the number of COVID-19 infected patients in the country are on the rise.

"Though the COVID-19 situation in the country appears to be under control compared to other countries, the daily patient count is still in the rise and more importantly, the epidemiologists and the medical experts have not ruled out the possibility of a surge in the number of patients yet," the Union said in a statement.

The Union said that UGC's announcement regarding a three phase reopening of state universities starting from May 4 came as  a surprise to the entire country. "Though all of us would loved to see the end of this crisis and resume to work as soon as possible, your decision to reopen the universities even before the government eases the restrictions on social movements seems a bit premature and irrational,"

Considering the safety of the students and the staff under the prevailing situation, FUTA urged the UGC to explain the rationale behind its decision to  reopen the universities on the given dates "at a time when all expert in the entire world have failed to accurately predict a timeline to eradicate the disease,"


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