• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Govt doubles fine related to railway passenger tickets


Train passengers who travel in trains without paying their fare for passenger tickets and those who ride in carriages of higher classes than the fare they paid for now risk being slapped with a Rs.3000 fine, after Cabinet approved a proposal to double the maximum exisiting fine for these offences. 

Explaining the proposal, the Government stated that although the railway service offers transport facilities to passengers at extremely concessionary rates, it has been reported that a considerable number of passengers neglect to pay the fare for passenger tickets and ride in carriages of higher classes than that they have paid the fare for.

As such, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, Nimal Siripala De Silva has presented a proposal to increase the fines for offences related to railway tickets with the view of providing a safe and efficient railway service, increasing the income of the railway department, and to discourage passengers who travel in the train without paying the fare, the Government stated.

The maximum current fine for such offences is Rs.1500. However, Cabinet has now approved Minister De Silva's proposal to double it to Rs.3000.  

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