• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Govt. to rebuild nearly 1700 houses destroyed by adverse weather


The Government will build 1682 new houses at a cost of Rs.2018.4 million to replace houses that were classified by the National Building Research Organization (NBRO) as having been destroyed or heavily damaged due to landslides and floods in the Kegalle District that were experienced in May. 

Cabinet has also given approval to provide Rs.200 million for 500 house owners as Rs.400,000 each for house owners expecting to build houses in their private lands. 

In addition, the responsibility of providing instructions on security measures to be followed when constructing houses, as well as naming areas that are high risk and prohibiting settlement in these areas, has been entructed with the NBRO. 

The Government has noted that 151 persons were killed while 34, 833 persons from 9620 families were affected by landslides, which caused serious damages to all Divisional Secretary Divisions in the Kegalle District, including Aranayake. 

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