• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Health of Uni students, villagers threatened by Vavuniya garbage dump


The pratice of dumping garbage in the Puthiyasalampaikulam area in Pambaimadhu, Vavuniya for the past 15 years is causing severe health and environmental problems for area residents and university students. 

About 5000 families living in close proximity to the site are affected by the garbage issue. The dump is also situated less than 500 meters from the premises of the University of Jaffna's Vavuniya Campus. As a result, undergraduates at the campus face severe difficulties when engaged in sports or other outdoor activities due to the stench eminating from the dump and the fumes from fires set at the site. 

About eight bowserloads and 10 tractorloads of garbage and waste are dumped at the site on a daily basis. 

A child in the Pambaimadhu area was recently admitted to the Vavuniya General Hospital after falling severely ill. Doctors who examined him had concluded that he had suffered a respiratory illness after inhaling fumes that were the result of fires set at the garbage dump.

Area residents, frustrated by the failure of authorities to resolve the issue, planned to organize a protest on Monday regarding the matter. Upon learning of this, Minister Rishard Bathiudeen, who is also the Chairman of the Vavuniya District Development Committee, visited the area along with a team of officials. He directed officials to ensure that garbage does not get dumped continually at the site and to initiate a recycling program for garbage.  

Story and Pix by Romesh Madushanka


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