• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

In pictures: Hartal paralyses Batticaloa


Day-to-day life in the Batticaloa District was severely affected today due to a hartal launched in solidarity with relatives of disappeared persons. 

The main demand behind the hartal is that the State take immediate steps to release information on missing persons. Earlier political parties, Tamil, Muslim civil society organizations and trade unions urged public to join today’s protest.

Transport services in the district were mostly paralyzed today while attendence at schools and Government Departments was extremely low. In fact, many institutions in the district, including banks, fuel stations, markets and shops were closed in support of the hartal. 

In addition to the demand that the Government take steps to provide details of disappeared persons, other demands such as release of political prisoners and private lands held by the military were also highlighted by the hartal. In the Batticaloa District, organizers say they also wish to highlight opposition to the proposed alcohol distillery in Batticaloa. 

Pix by Deva Athiran

Batti Harthal  (3)

Batti Harthal  (7)

Batti Harthal  (24)

Batti Harthal  (12)

Batti Harthal  (13)

Batticaloa Harthal 27.04.2017  (7)

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