• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

JO march a challenge to SLFP, Bandara claims


The planned March from Kandy to Colombo organized by the Joint Opposition was one aimed at dividing the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) and was not a challenge to the Government, United National Party (UNP) MP Nalin Bandara said today.

Speaking at a media briefing held at party Headquarters in Sirikotha, Bandara further called on the marchers to avoid marching in front of the Horagolla Waluwwa, the ancestral home of the SLFP's founder, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike as a mark of respect for him, former Prime Minister S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike and former President Chandrika Kumaratunga. 

(Story and Pix by Ishan Sanjeewa)


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