• Last Update 2024-09-09 12:59:00

Opposition Leader urges to uphold national unity by joining hands


Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan urge every citizens in the country to uphold national unity by joining hands to strengthen relationships and foster harmony between the different communities during the Sinhala and Tamil New Year.

"The Sinhala and Tamil New Year is not merely a celebration. Rather, it is a national festival that has deep roots in our culture and traditions. The Sinhala and Tamil New Year is also a symbol of unity as it brings together people, irrespective of race, caste, or creed in national celebration," Opposition Leader said in his New Year message.

 "However, while I encourage all of you to partake in the celebrations with joy and happiness, I also urge you to remember those who are not so fortunate to celebrate owing to various circumstances. My hope is that this New Year would be a peaceful and prosperous one to all Sri Lankans".he said.

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