• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

President settles clash between ministers


President Maithripala Sirisena had to intervene to settle a verbal duel between two ministers at last Tuesday’s ministerial meeting.
It was Rishad Bathiudeen who raised issue over the inclusion of his colleague Rauff Hakeem in a Cabinet subcommittee that was to deal with matters relating to displaced people. “There are no displaced people in the Kandy District which he represents,” exhorted Mr Bathiudeen only to draw a retort from Mr Hakeem.

The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) leader said what Mr Bathiudeen said was not relevant. He was the leader of a party which had local councillors and those in Provincial Councils who had an interest in displaced people not to mention himself.
President Sirisena said he would arrange a meeting of the duo where matters would be sorted out.

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